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Essay/Term paper: The die hard trilogy: mcclain an example of a hero in america

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Book Reports

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The Die Hard Trilogy: McClain An Example of A Hero In America

"and he saved the day, got his girl and everyone lived happily ever after."
Sweet, short, cut and dry, that was the typical ending of our childhood books
and early movies. There was the perfect hero and the bad villain. That was in
the pre-modern era, now our hero isn't always perfect and has his flaws. The
hero in today's movies needs these flaws and needs to travel through a
combination of paths to become a hero. In order to sell movies which decide who
a hero is in today's society. A hero in today's society needs to admit that he
needs help and isn't superman, he needs to have problems and prove that he
doesn't belong up on a pedestal where his image is totally unattainable, third
he needs to travel one of the paths of a hero according to Seger. Bruce Willis
plays the character John McClain in the trilogy Die Hard, he is a good example
of a hero in America today.

In the third movie, McClain takes on a partner to help him fight a mad
bomber. This is different from the movies from the past, James Bond or John
Wayne never needed help. The partner he picks is a inner city black man, in the
fifties this never would have happened. The fact that he picks a black man
incorporates some multicultural aspects into the movie. The fact that he picks
a partner shows some post modern aspects of Hollywood. Both of these facts help
sell movies and help define a hero in America today.
Another aspect that makes McClain a post modern hero in America is the
fact that he to has problems, James Bond was never like this, he always had a
woman by his side, or falling at his feet. People held this man in high esteem,
because he was perfect. However in real life blond bimbos at your feet don't
happen all the time. Post modern heroes have problems McClain even though he is
out saving lives and helping people his wife wants a divorce. People can relate
better to John McClain because we all have problems besides the bad guys. The
hero today isn't so perfect and people are able to relate to him more easily.
The travel of a hero from an average guy to a hero via the myths defined
by Seger is also another determining factor in what a hero is today. McClain
travels through the combination myth. He was an average cop when thrown into
all this chaos and makes the commitment to doing something about it endangering
his life. He also travels through the healing myth when he is fighting in the
first movie his relationship with his wife is on the rocks but he realizes
during his fighting how much he really needs and loves his wife. In the end his
relationship is strengthened and the healing journey is over.
Through the ages a hero is defined by someone who people admire and want
to be more like. The hero in ancient Greek times was Hercules and then in came
Beowulf and then King Arthur and so on. A hero doesn't' necessarily have to be
real but some one that people can strive to be more like, and when those
situations arise (not usually as big as in Hollywood) they will know how to act.
The heroes of Hollywood are not as good as role models as those of the past, but
they still follow the same guide lines as them. They have comforted to what
sells in order to make movies and as you see everywhere negative sells.


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